Hello World
- 2025-03-08
Look at that subtle off-white coloring. The tasteful thickness of it.
I now have an internet place (a blog). For anyone who may not be aware, a "Blog" is where you play around with graphic design while imagining all the amazing and insightful articles that you will, one day, totally get around to writing. I spent a lot of time making this one look pretty and ensuring it met all the web accessibility guidelines. And by that, I mean I spent a lot of time browsing other websites and stealing stuff.
The headers are Vollkorn, the body is Ysabeau, the monospace bits are Space Mono. I cribbed the core design language pretty much wholesale from the US Graphics Company. Even the colors are from Tailwind. It's all built using Zola and hosted on Cloudflare Pages.
One day, all of those links will be dead, and no one will know what any of that meant. The servers hosting this will be rusting in a backlot somewhere, or maybe they'll have been recycled into aluminum Yetti mugs. This site probably will have gone down long before that. Maybe I'll get fed up with it and take it down, or maybe give up programming entirely and forget it exists. Most likely I'll fail to renew the domain and will have to set it all up again in a year.
But for now, we're both here, at the same time, and we can enjoy this internet place together.